This week, examining the environmental and social impacts of COVID-19, how America is adjusting, and what data we might look towards to understand our road to recovery.
COVID-19 Worsens Environmental Injustices in Marginalized Communities
Studies are showing links between high levels of pollution and an increased risk of death from COVID-19, adding another level of strain to communities and individuals bearing the brunt of environmental injustice. [ via PBS]
Why America’s Most Essential Workers are So Poorly Treated
The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing us to reevaluate our society values and think about how improvements in conditions of essential workers can improve the health of our neighborhoods. [via The Atlantic]
America’s Coronavirus Testing Numbers are Finally Improving
We still have work to do, but the U.S. is finally expanding testing and making progress. We’re seeing improvements no only in the number of tests but with other metrics experts use to gauge testing capacity. [via Vox]
Just Because You Can Afford to Leave the City Doesn’t Mean You Should
It’s a mistake to blame cities’ density for the spread of coronavirus. Former NYC Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett writes on how cities have much to offer us, even in moments of crisis. [via The New York Times]
The Richest Neighborhoods Emptied Out Most as Coronavirus Hit New York City
Hundreds of thousands of New York City residents, in particular those from the city’s wealthiest neighborhoods, left as the coronavirus pandemic hit, an analysis of multiple sources of aggregated smartphone location data has found. [via The New York Times]